Having practised yoga for 20 years, I have felt the positive effect it’s had on my body and – more importantly – my mind. I originally practised Astanga and Scarivelli inspired yoga and gained invaluable insight into traditional Hatha style yoga postures and the body’s response to these.

It was in 2007 that I discovered Kundalini yoga and quickly realised how powerful this practice was. For the first time I realised the connection between the practice of yoga, raised consciousness and heightened awareness. It has unlocked my mind and opened me to a world of self-healing and creative abundance. I continue to feel the transformative effect it has on all aspects of my life.

I have been lucky enough to have travelled extensively through India, where I had the good fortune to work with some outstanding Kundalini yoga teachers from all over the world. While in India I also worked at the Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar, where I had the opportunity to go deeper into the Kundalini philosophy and practice, and to see the benefits it had for children and teenagers. 

Qualifications and awards

I completed my Teacher Training Level I (200 hours) and Level II (1001 days in total) with the Amrit Nam Sarovar School in France between 2007 and 2010. In 2011 I became a member of the Aquarian Teacher Academy and 2013 I completed my conscious pregnancy training. In 2015 I took part in 21 Stages of Meditation, completing three meditative journeys toward the peak of contemplative awareness, defined as The Infinite Pulse.

In 2019 I took part in the Reman Meditation in Mexico – reciting 11,000 repetitions of the Reman Shabd. I have also started my Kundalini Yoga Therapy Training which I am in the process of completing.

My experience of yoga  and mediation is something that continues to change as my perspective on life changes. It feels really important to me as a ‘student’ of yoga to gain new experience by continued self development and training. This way I can continue to serve the wider yoga community.

In more recent years I have also trained in Breathwork and Somatic Journeying, and I now offer these powerful healing modalities on a one-to-one basis.

My work with kundalini yoga

In 2012 I started a Level I Teacher Training programme in Devon. The training has grown steadily and has qualified over 40 Kundalini yoga teachers. Recently rebranded as PREM, the programme continues to go from strength to strength, often working with visiting teachers from all over Europe to provide students with a diverse and enriched experiential teaching programme.

In 2023 PREM introduced its first Level 2 teacher training module, Mind and Meditation, with others to follow. The PREM programmes are accredited by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) and Level 1 is open to any student who wishes to gain deeper understanding of kundalini yoga and develop a practice of sadhana – and of course, there is always the possibility to go on and teach!

Outside the PREM trainings I teach regular classes in yoga centres in Devon and online, and occasionally in London. From time to time I offer retreats nationally and internationally as well as workshops and short courses.



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