The 21 Stages of Meditation course gives you tools and experiences to deepen your meditation and come to a profound understanding of your Self. Complete three meditative journeys toward the peak of contemplative awareness: The Infinite Pulse. Each journey is comprised of seven stages, taking you step by step into a deeper level of awakening and realisation. We will move through the rudimentary skills of meditation to the deeper levels of awareness and integration and finally into identity, projection and merger in the infinite pulse of creation.


The focus of the first journey is to recognise, experience and crystallise the Self. The blocks are encountered in the first four stages: upset, boredom, irritation and frustration. The first ascent starts when we have a sense of our Self, separate from all the commotions, emotions and sensory impulses; we begin to focus and recognise a still point, a nucleus within, which is the Self. It is this crystallised sense of Self that is needed in order for consciousness to work.

Stage 1 – Upset
Meditation to Conquer Upset

Stage 2 – Boredom
Meditation: See Your Horizon

Stage 3 – Irritation
Meditation: Eyeglass Traatik

Stage 4 – Frustration
Meditation: Self-Hypnosis to Dissolve Frustration

Stage 5 – Focus
Meditation: For Focus and an Alert Mind

Stage 6 – Absorption
Meditation: For Absorption in the Crystal Being

Stage 7 – Experience and Crystallise the Self
Meditation : To Experience and Crystallise the Self

Negative thoughts come at you like arrows. Your strong positive arcline in the aura absorbs the energy of the thought and moves it spiralling up through the central channel of the spine to create more awareness above. The Jappa of the mantra cuts each thought so its form changes from negative to positive and it can be passed on to the central channel. In this way you are still, happy and master the upset that comes from the defensive thoughts.


In this second journey, the initial challenge is to develop a sensitivity to the Self, as we engage in relationships and participate in life. When we take the seed of our Self and our identity and project it into the world, it expands. In this journey we cultivate the meditative skill to merge with our projection yet still be able to distill our Self from the various roles we play; in this way, this second journey prepares us to maintain our integrity in action and ultimately to find the stillness within every action.

Stage 8 – Rasa
Meditation Series for Rasa

Stage 9 – Delight
Meditation: For Delight, Destiny and Creative Flow in Life

Stage 10 – Politeness
Meditation for Politeness

Stage 11 – Humility
Meditation: Bowing Before the Infinite for Humility
Meditation: Speaking Humbly before the Creative Infinity
Meditation: Bowing for Humility to Transfer Prana

Stage 12 – Elevation
Meditation for Elevation
Meditation for Rasas and the Inner Eye
Meditation for Elevation

Stage 13 – Graceful Enlightenment
Meditation for Graceful Enlightenment and Strength of Heart

Stage 14 – Express and Be Your Self
The Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra
Meditation: To Clear the Channels and Raise Kundalini 
Meditation on the Laya Yoga Kundalini Mantra
Meditation: Sankh Mudra Kriya
Laya Meditation to Beam and Create
Meditation: Sukh Sadhana
Meditation to Express Your Real Self and Develop the Subtle Body

The three gunas, the three forces of nature, are all balanced. That opens the heart. On that the head is fixed and steady. You are aware of All and the Crown Chakra shines as the Sixth Chakra commands.


In this final journey, we recognise all that we are as the formless presence of the infinite Self. We open the dimension of our Transcendent Self. This journey requires us to go beyond differences and similarities into reality and unity. By forging an elevated identity with our infinite Self within our finite self, we become spontaneous, creative and flexible. We excel in this infinite game of the soul. Love, compassion and kindness become the core of our experience. At the peak of this journey we become the nothing within the centre of all that is. Mystery is now mastery. The sacred space opens up to intuitive presence, which serves innocence, loves life, blesses all, and praises the Infinite, the all within All. You become you, nothing more, nothing less. In this final journey, we become realised human beings.

Stage 15 – Presence Like a Beacon

Tattva Siddhi Meditation for Presence Like a Beacon

Stage 16 – Everywhere Radiance
Meditation: Polishing the Radiant Body

Stage 17 – Prayerful Stillness
Meditation: Deeksha Patra for Prayerful Stillness

Stage 18 – Preacher
Meditation: Chautay Padma Nirgun Mantra

Stage 19 – Teacher
Teacher Meditation-Traatik to See the Energy

Stage 20 – Sage
Meditation for the Sage: Sarb Gyan Kriya

Stage 21 – Infinite Pulse
Meditation for Infinite Pulse: Sodarshan Chakra Kriya

Happy. Full above and below. Heaven and earth mingle in the heart of the sage. You are balance. Fruition comes to those who encounter you. Your prayer is reality.





February 24
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
March 03
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
March 10
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
March 17
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
March 24
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
March 31
18:00 - 19:30
Derek the Dog Yoga Studio, 3rd floor, 83-84 Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RP
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